Results for 'H. V. Noonan'

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  1.  44
    Indivisible Selves and Moral Practice By Vinit Haksar Edinburgh University Press, 1991, xv + 250 pp., £27.50. [REVIEW]H. V. Noonan - 1992 - Philosophy 67 (261):409-.
  2.  20
    T. V. Morris, "Understanding Identity Statements". [REVIEW]H. W. Noonan - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (44):457.
  3. The ethics of killing and letting die: active and passive euthanasia.H. V. McLachlan - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8):636-638.
    In their account of passive euthanasia, Garrard and Wilkinson present arguments that might lead one to overlook significant moral differences between killing and letting die. To kill is not the same as to let die. Similarly, there are significant differences between active and passive euthanasia. Our moral duties differ with regard to them. We are, in general, obliged to refrain from killing each and everyone. We do not have a similar obligation to try to prevent each and everyone from dying. (...)
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  4. Assisted suicide and the killing of people? Maybe. Physician-assisted suicide and the killing of patients? No: the rejection of Shaw's new perspective on euthanasia.H. V. McLachlan - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):306-309.
    David Shaw presents a new argument to support the old claim that there is not a significant moral difference between killing and letting die and, by implication, between active and passive euthanasia. He concludes that doctors should not make a distinction between them. However, whether or not killing and letting die are morally equivalent is not as important a question as he suggests. One can justify legal distinctions on non-moral grounds. One might oppose physician- assisted suicide and active euthanasia when (...)
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    To kill is not the same as to let die: a reply to Coggon.H. V. McLachlan - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):456-458.
    Coggon’s remarks on a previous paper on active and passive euthanasia elicit a clarification and an elaboration of the argument in support of the claim that there is a moral difference between killing and letting die. The relevant moral duties are different in nature, strength and content. Moreover, not all people who are involved in the relevant situations have the same moral duties. The particular case that is presented in support of the claim that to kill is not the same (...)
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  6. Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground.H. V. Hanson (ed.) - 2007
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  7. Réponse de M. H. Vuilleumier.H. V. H. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (5):511.
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  8. The unpaid donation of blood and altruism: a comment on Keown.H. V. McLachlan - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (4):252-256.
    In line with article 3.4 of EC directive 89/381, Keown has presented an ethical case in support of the policy of voluntary, unpaid donation of blood. Although no doubt is cast on the desirability of the policy, that part of Keown's argument which pertains to the suggested laudability of altruism and of its encouragment by social policy is examined and shown to be dubious.
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  9. Basile, Grégoire de Nazianze et Grégoire de Nysse, comme exégétes, de H. WEISS.V. H. V. H. - 1872 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 5 (3):468.
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  10. La clôture du canon de l'Ancien Testament, d'après le Dr H. GRAETZ.V. H. V. H. - 1872 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 5 (4):628.
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  11. Defending commercial surrogate motherhood against Van Niekerk and Van Zyl.H. V. McLachlan - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):344-348.
    The arguments of Van Niekerk and Van Zyl that, on the grounds that it involves an inappropriate commodification and alienation of women's labour, commercial surrogate motherhood (CSM) is morally suspect are discussed and considered to be defective. In addition, doubt is cast on the notion that CSM should be illegal.
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  12. Altruism, blood donation and public policy: a reply to Keown.H. V. McLachlan - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):532-536.
    This is a continuation of and a development of a debate between John Keown and me. The issue discussed is whether, in Britain, an unpaid system of blood donation promotes and is justified by its promotion of altruism. Doubt is cast on the notions that public policies can, and, if they can, that they should, be aimed at the promotion and expression of altruism rather than of self-interest, especially that of a mercenary sort. Reflections upon President Kennedy's proposition, introduced into (...)
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    Smokers, virgins, equity and health care costs.H. V. McLachlan - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):209-213.
    Julian Le Grand's case for saying that it would be equitable if smokers and smokers alone were to pay the costs of smoking-related health care is considered and found to be deficient.
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    Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic.H. V. Dicks - 2014 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1970 this title commemorates the men and ideas that started, inspired and established a pioneer institution in British psychiatry. Based on the impetus of Freudian and related innovations after the First World War, the Tavistock Clinic offered treatment, training and research facilities in the field of neurosis, child guidance and later on group relations. Dr Dicks, who had been associated for nearly forty years with the work and personalities that helped to develop the Tavistock venture, describes the (...)
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  15.  36
    Justice and the NHS: a comment on Culyer.H. V. McLachlan - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):379-382.
    The nature and significance of equity and equality in relation to health and healthcare policy is discussed in the light of a recent article by Culyer. Culyer makes the following claims: the importance of equity in relation to the provision of health care derives from the human need for health in order to flourish; and for the sake of equity, equality of health among the members of particular political jurisdictions should be the aim of health policy. Both these claims are (...)
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    Normalizing Gas‐Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Data: Method Choice can Alter Biological Inference.Michael J. Noonan, Helga V. Tinnesand & Christina D. Buesching - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (6):1700210.
    We demonstrate how different normalization techniques in GC‐MS analysis impart unique properties to the data, influencing any biological inference. Using simulations, and empirical data, we compare the most commonly used techniques (Total Sum Normalization ‘TSN’; Median Normalization ‘MN’; Probabilistic Quotient Normalization ‘PQN’; Internal Standard Normalization ‘ISN’; External Standard Normalization ‘ESN’; and a compositional data approach ‘CODA’). When differences between biological classes are pronounced, ESN and ISN provides good results, but are less reliable for more subtly differentiated groups. MN, TSN, and (...)
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  17. Sight and sense-data.H. V. Stainsby - 1970 - Mind 79 (April):170-187.
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  18. Wiggins, Artefact Identity and 'Best Candidate' Theories.H. W. Noonan - 1985 - Analysis 45 (1):4 - 8.
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    The scope and necessity of angādhikāra.H. V. Nagaraja Rao - 1978 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 6 (2):145-176.
    Now, we can draw a conclusion on the matter of the necessity of angādhikāra in Pā $$ \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{n}$$ ini's grammar. We have seen that angādhikāra constitutes a very important section of the grammar where the relation of the suffixes and their bases is crucial. We also have observed that the concept of anga cannot be separated from Pā $$ \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{n}$$ ini's system due to its being a part of many sūtras as well as many paribhā $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{s}$$ ās. We have also (...)
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  20.  11
    Erkenntnistheoretischer Apriorismus und Einsteins Theorie.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1979 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 27 (2):213.
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  21. Bodies, rights and abortion.H. V. McLachlan - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (3):176-180.
    The issue of abortion is discussed with reference to the claim that people have a right of control over their own bodies. Do people "own" their own bodies? If so, what would be entailed? These questions are discussed in commonsense terms and also in relation to the jurisprudence of Hohfeld, Honore, Munzer and Waldron. It is argued that whether or not women are morally and/or should be legally entitled to have abortions, such entitlements cannot be derived from a general moral (...)
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  22. Plato, Symposium 212a6–7: The Most Immortal of Men, with an Appendix on Phrases of the Type εἴπερ ἄλλος.H. V. Amsterdam & NetherlandsNetherlandsEmail: The - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Philologus Heft: Ahead of print.
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  23. Erwin Schrödingers Subjekt- und Realitätsbegriff.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1987 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (12):1109.
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  24. Kosmologie - Physik oder Metaphysik?H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1978 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 26 (2):242.
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  25. Notwendige Bemerkungen zu einer Polemik.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1987 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (5):458.
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  26. Physikalische Bewegung und dialektischer Widerspruch.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1982 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 30 (5):634.
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    Physikalisches Erkenntnismittel und physikalische Realität.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1986 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 34 (12):1098.
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    Zur Beziehung von experimenteller Methode und Raumbegriff.H. V. Borzeszkowski - 1980 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 28 (6):685.
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  29. Histoire de la liberté des cultes dans le canton de Vaud, de J. Cart.H. V. C. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (2):190.
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  30. L'homme primitif, de G. Beck.H. V. E. - 1899 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 32 (5):477.
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  31.  10
    Ouvrages reçus.H. V. E. - 1879 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 12 (1):83.
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  32. Les droits et les torts de la papauté, de E. Petavel-Olliff.H. V. F. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (4):403.
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  33. Revues.H. V. F. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (4):415.
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  34. Rhetoric of Alcuin and Charlemagne.H. V. Friedman - 1942 - Classical Weekly 36:21.
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  35.  26
    The relation of reaction-time to phase of breathing.H. V. Gaskill - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (5):364.
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    Dharmakīrti on Compassion and RebirthDharmakirti on Compassion and Rebirth.H. V. G. & Eli Franco - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):154.
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    Geometry and Space.H. V. Gill - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (1):69-77.
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    Physics and Metaphysics.H. V. Gill - 1928 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 3 (3):396-406.
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  39. Schweitzer, Albert, Die Weltanschauung der indischen Denker: Mystik und Ethik.H. V. Glasenapp - 1935 - Kant Studien 40:287.
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    Unterscheidung der Gegebenheiten von ihrem wahren Wesen (Dharmadharmatāvibhāga)Unterscheidung der Gegebenheiten von ihrem wahren Wesen.H. V. G. & Klaus-Dieter Mathes - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):153.
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    Die aus dem Chinesischen übersetzten Tibetischen Versionen des Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra: Philologische und linguistische Beiträge zur klassifizierenden Charakterisierung übersetzter TexteDie aus dem Chinesischen ubersetzten Tibetischen Versionen des Suvarnaprabhasasutra: Philologische und linguistische Beitrage zur klassifizierenden Charakterisierung ubersetzter Texte.H. V. Guenther & Claus Oetke - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):577.
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  42. Argumentation and Rhetoric.H. V. Hansen, C. W. Tindale & A. V. Colman (eds.) - 1998 - Vale.
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  43. A propos du procès des dominicains de Berne.H. V. H. - 1902 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 35 (5/6):527.
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  44.  44
    Sexual attraction: A test case of sociobiological theory.H. V. C. Harris - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):317-330.
    A study of the place of human sexuality in religious systems indicates a possible universal stress on sexual attraction. This could be explained by using the theories of Richard Dawkins and other sociobiologists: the philandering male and the coy female express the best strategies for the survival of the “selfish gene.” Closer analysis of four religious systems throws doubt on these theories. In some systems the strategies are contradicted while in others there is stress on cooperative restraint rather than on (...)
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  45. Aphorismes th-eologiques du Dr "Ernest Henke".V. R. H. - 1879 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 12 (4):368.
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  46. Joseph en Egypte.H. V. H. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (5):505.
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  47.  41
    Lesefrüchte.V. H. - 1921 - Annalen der Philosophie 3 (1):311-312.
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    Lesefrilchte.V. H., Hellmut Wolff, Arnold Kowalewski, Raymund Schmidt, Karl Roretz, Franz Oppenheimer, Friedrich Blaschke, Studienassessor R. Lindemann, S. R. & Studienassessor Rudolf Lindemann - 1920 - Annalen der Philosophie 2 (1):302-320.
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  49. Lettre de M. Petavel-Olliff.H. V. H. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (5):509.
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  50. Le piétisme, ses origines et ses précurseurs, d'après Albrecht Ritschl.V. R. H. - 1881 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 14 (3):225.
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